AMSI in the HEAP x32

This write up is based upon the work of Matt Graeber @Mattifestation Tools Used IDA Windbg If we load up amsi.dll in IDA or equivalent tool and start looking at AmsiScanBuffer we can see that there is a check to see if the value which is pointed to via rbx equals 49534D41h (AMSI). IfContinue reading AMSI in the HEAP x32

Ordinal Numbers and VBA can be fun – who knew!

My previous couple of posts have all been centred around VBA, AMSI and Macros. This isn’t going to be different!. This makes for the easiest AMSI and Windows Defender bypass. Whilst reading through MSDN, which incidentally makes great bedtime reading…., I read that it was possible to use ordinal numbers with VBA when declaring functionsContinue reading Ordinal Numbers and VBA can be fun – who knew!

Are we nearly there yet? Walking Half the PEB with VBA

This is really just a variation on a theme, however I thought I’d write a quick post none the less. As previously stated the traditional way to get to AMSI function addresses was through LoadLibrary and then GetProcAddress. Microsoft blacklisted some function names to make using GetProcAddress unavailable which is why my my colleague andContinue reading Are we nearly there yet? Walking Half the PEB with VBA

Dynamic Microsoft Office 365 AMSI In Memory Bypass Using VBA

By Richard Davy (@rd_pentest) & Gary Nield (@Monobehaviour) As most Pentesters know, Windows Defender is installed by default on Windows 10 and all new versions of Windows Server. During an engagement this can sometimes be frustrating, when wanting to obtain access to a remote machine, especially during a Phishing engagement. There are multiple AMSI bypassesContinue reading Dynamic Microsoft Office 365 AMSI In Memory Bypass Using VBA