Microsoft Online Service Acknowledgements April 2020
In April 2020, I was proud to be included on the Microsoft Online Service Acknowledgements page. 🙂
In April 2020, I was proud to be included on the Microsoft Online Service Acknowledgements page. 🙂
After an excellent training course run by MDSec which I attended at 44con last week I decided that I wanted to dig into some known techniques and look at what’s going on under the hood to make sure I understand them better. One of these techniques, whilst being far from new and having already beenContinue reading User Account Control & odbcad32.exe
A few months ago we got a dog and like most dog owners we were interested in what our little pooch gets up to when we’re not around so ended up buying a camera to keep an eye on it. After having a quick scan of the internet I ended up buying the camera below.Continue reading Where UART thou?
I decided that I’d have a go at writing a Metasploit module as it’s been a while since I’ve programmed anything in Ruby. When writing the python script which I previously posted, I created an odt file and then just added the modified content.xml file. Doing this in Metasploit and Ruby proved more challenging andContinue reading Malicious ODT File Generator Metasploit Module
Over the past couple of weeks I’ve read a number of articles both in and out of the IT Security field and also attended talks which discuss Imposter Syndrome and the impact which it has had on the individuals giving the talks. Imposter Syndrome is a term which was coined in 1978 by clinical psychologistsContinue reading Imposter Syndrome